II Mostra Internacional de Cinema pelos Animais Itinerante em Belo Horizonte


Second edition of the International Film Festival for Animals takes place in October in Belo Horizonte - MG

The 2nd Travelling Edition of the International Film Festival for Animals arrives in Belo Horizonte on October 8 and 9, with six short films and four feature films, including three Brazilian and seven foreign films, produced in Germany, Hungary, Israel and the United States.

From ranchers who do everything to keep their activities a secret (Speciesism - USA 2013) to the lifestyle of those for whom love and respect for animals is much stronger than taste and consumerism (Por Eles - Brazil 2015), the documentaries, fiction and animation films in the Mostra festival bring diverse themes coming from the perspective of children, youth, adults, specialists and activists. Por Eles is a short film produced in Belo Horizonte by filmmaker Shirley Fraguas, which was awarded in São Paulo at the 6th Graça Aranha Trophy for Independent Cinema.

With free admission, the screenings take place from 5 pm at Cine MIS Santa Tereza, Rua Estrela do Sul 89, neighborhood Santa Tereza - BH, followed by debates between attendees and event-coordinators. Both days there will be stalls selling vegan products.

"In 2015, the first year of the Mostra, we had good attendance, and we expect this year to have even more. The issue of animals is a subject of growing debate in the media, social networks, politics, justice, schools and universities, and it is a subject that is increasingly present in all sectors of society. We want the Mostra to offer an alternative for discussion and questioning," said Silvana Portugal, a nutritionist and director of the Vegetarian Society of Minas Gerais.

This year, Mostra Animal has already taken place in Curitiba, Niterói, Florianópolis and Salvador. In Belo Horizonte, it is promoted by the Brazilian Vegetarian Society - Grupo BH, in partnership with the Mineiro Movement for Animal Rights (MMDA).

The complete schedule with movie times and discussion is available at: www.mostraanimal.com.br.


International Film Festival for Animals - 2nd Travelling Edition in Belo Horizonte

Date: October 8 and 9 (Saturday and Sunday)

Location: Cine MIS Santa Tereza (R. Estrela do Sul, 89 - Bairro Santa Tereza)

Time:  5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.


* Subject to availability.

FaLang translation system by Faboba