2009 Edition

Não Matarás – Os animais e o homem nos bastidores da ciência

cena do filme Não Matarás65 min – Documentary – Brazil –  16 years
The main theme of this documentary is a look over the system that kills more than saves. The use of animals in teaching, the fear os students to express their rejection to these cruel methods, the continuity of an academic mentality that is outdated.

Production: Instituto Nina Rosa
watch part of the film


Uma verdade mais que inconveniente (Meat the Truth)

cena do filme Uma verdade mais que inconveniente70 min – Neitherlands

Meat the Truth is a high-profile documentary, presented by Marianne Thieme (leader of the Party for the Animals), which forms an addendum to earlier films that have been made about climate change. Although such films have convincingly succeeded in drawing public attention to the issue of global warming, they have repeatedly ignored one of the most important causes of climate change, namely: intensive livestock production. Meat the Truth has drawn attention to this by demonstrating that livestock farming generates more greenhouse gas emissions worldwide than all cars, lorries, trains, boats and planes added together.

Production: Nicolaas G. Pierson Foundation
watch the trailer of the film


Terráqueos (Earthlings)

cena do filme Terráqueos90 min – USA  –  18 years
The film is narrated by Academy Award® nominee Joaquin Phoenix and features music by platinum-selling recording artist Moby. Initially ignored by distributors, today EARTHLINGS is considered the definitive animal rights film by organizations around the world. “Of all the films I have ever made, this is the one that gets people talking the most,” said Phoenix. “For every one person who sees EARTHLINGS, they will tell three.”

Direction/Production: Shaun Monson
Watch the trailer of the film


Edição 2009 - Brazilian films

Espírito de Porco

cena do filme Espírito de Porco50 min – Documentary – Santa Catarina/Brazil – 16 anos
A pig tells his story from birth to death.
Direction: Chico Faganello and Dauro Veras
Watch the trailer



Atave – Avicultura Escancarada

cena do filme Atave10 min – Documentary – Ceará/Brazil – 14 years
Denounces the animal holocaust and shows that the meat industry cruelty is not restrict to USA or to south of Brazil.

Direction: Guilherme Carvalho
Watch part of the film


A Cara Vegan

cena do filme A Cara Vegan15 min – Documentary – Bahia/Brazil
Documentary about people that practice a life philosophy that cares not only about nutrition, but about balance between humans, animals and the environment.

Direction: Lucelma Oliveira
watch the trailer



Asas da Liberdade

cena do filme Asas da Liberdade3 min – Documentary – Paraná/Brazil
Film that shows the aggression and negligence against living beings.

Direction: Havita Rigamonti
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Ser Humano – Animal Pós Moderno

cena do filme Ser humano - Animal Pós Moderno3 min – Experimental – São Paulo/Brazil

Direction: Ozeda Bagaln
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Sinfonia Animal

cena do filme Sinfonia Animal15 min – Documentary– Rio de Janeiro/Brazil
Relations among human animals and non-human animals inside the urban space.

Direction: Gustavo Torres
Watch part of the film



Ser Sumário

cena do filme Ser Sumário6 min – Documentary – Paraná/Brazil - 14 years
The summary attitudes of man towards animals and living beings.
Direction: Havita Rigamonti
watch the film



As aventuras de Flopi

4 min – Ficção – Paraná
A dog talks to the public about his dream for a better world.

Direction: Carlos Henrique Tullio